Laughter, fun at evening of tributes for Prof Femi Soyinka

Laughter, fun at evening of tributes for Prof Femi Soyinka

Prof Femi Soyinka, a professor of Dermatology and younger brother of Nobel Laureate, Prof Wole Soyinka, died on June 14, 2022. PM News’ NEHRU ODEH reports the evening of tributes held for him in Ibadan by his friends and relatives on June 30

Family, friends and colleagues of the late Femi Soyinka, a professor of dermatology, venereology and clinical immunology, who was also the younger brother of the Nobel Laureate, Prof Wole Soyinka gathered at Divine Grace Event Centre on New Ife-Ibadan Expressway in Ibadan on June 30 to pay a befitting tribute to the deceased. The late Femi passed on Tuesday, June 14, aged 85 years old, at his home in Kukumada village, Ibadan, Oyo State.

Dear ones came from all walks of life, near and far gathered at the event centre to give one lasting tribute tagged “Evening of Tributes in Memory of Professor Femi Soyinka,” a man whose sterling qualities and interventions went beyond borders. It was indeed a full house that birthed and gave reminiscences of memories and times of the late Femi, which elicited laughter as stories about the inevitable roles his wife, Kofo, played in his life surfaced again. Femi was, as the cliché goes, a man who carried his wife and family along.

The tribute night was one to remember. It was filled with memories, tributes, songs, music, dance, emotions, nostalgia and fun. As the tributes went on, there were interludes of drama skits as well as oscillating performances intermittently

Yinka Davies, the popular Nigerian soul singer and jazz musician as well as the Ibadan City Chorale group entertained guests in attendance with their spectacular solo and group performances respectively.

Distinguished guests and family members did not just pay tributes to the late icon but also revealed the unique qualities of the man they were privileged to experience and interact with in their various kinship and professional interactions in the four scores and five years he strutted the earth.

Professor Wole Soyinka, Femi’s elder brother who had a fleeting but notable presence at the event spoke glowingly about him in a speech entitled, ‘The Secret Life of Baale Kukumada (As shared by his quite complicitous brother.)’

Soyinka shared with the audience the late Professor’s undying love for domesticating animals, a pastime which was hitherto not public knowledge.

“In the extensive backyard, spread beyond a walled off section that slopes down into a stream increasingly congested by external abuse, ducks, goats, sheep, turkeys, and other domesticates of the animal kingdom jostle until reporting time in the kitchen. Once he even kept geese, their aggressive motions tended to intimidate guests taking a stroll in the garden. Another time he experimented with the foreign cousin of our own ‘aparo’ – of which the partridge is the more familiar of the imported clan.”

Love for animals

Soyinka also said his brother’s fondness for animals also had something to do with the reason he initially wanted to study veterinary medicine. “I was not in the least surprised by Femi’s immersion in animal husbandry. His early ambition was to be a veterinary doctor. Few people know this. In fact, again if memory serves me right, he did enroll for a veterinary course, then decided to switch. I was part of the parental consultation and I was, frankly, rather lukewarm to the idea.”

Soyinka’s intervention was confirmed by the late Professor’s son, Ayodele who also, in his speech entitled, “My Professor of Many Things,” referenced his dad’s uncanny love for fishing, nature and domesticating animals. “We would go for hours on fishing trips especially on Sunday mornings. It started at Opa Dam on the Ife campus with mum in town though she later escaped for reasons I never bothered to ask. But I suspect it might not be unrelated to the dinghy that deflated in the middle of Opa Dam.

“On trips, we caught nothing, which in his view was because the fishes had gone to church. He convinced me that the best thing was to find other lucky fishermen, buy their catch and pass it on to mum as the result of our hours of hard labour. We rarely spoke while fishing because he said it drove the fish away.

“There were some exciting experiments like when he tried to raise a baby antelope and we had to feed it with milk out of a feeding bottle. The antelope eventually died. There was the monkey he bought but Mrs Accomplice in a rare turncoat manner seemed not to be in support and it had to be returned. I think there was also a failed attempt to bring a donkey down from the north. I am not sure what led to that never happening,” he said.


Ayodele was later filled with emotions when he spoke to his father directly, thanking him, among other things, for the way he lived his life. “I honestly thought I was prepared for your death but I have just discovered that the bond between a wonderful parent and child is not easily severed,” he said, making a momentary stop in his speech.

Femi’s wife

Dr Kofo Soyinka, medical practitioner and Femi’s wife described her husband of 46 years as a good family man. Partly, she said, “Simple but urbane. Femi is mischievously witty, kind, very hardworking, with uncommon integrity, an excellent cook and a very considerate person. He loved nature. He loved humanity and he strove to protect humanity in all its various manifestations.”

Dr Olaokun Soyinka, Femi’s nephew, former Commissioner for Health in Ogun State and son of the Nobel Laureate, described his uncle as unassuming, hardworking and a lover of humanity. “I remember Uncle Femi as a smiling, jovial, hard working doctor who spent his life serving the underserved people of Africa.”

Olaokun also said Femi never joked with his wine. “My uncle, like his elder brother, appreciated good wine and had a well-stocked cellar. On the occasions I would visit him at home, where Aunty Kofo would feed us sumptuously. It was always a major negotiation to persuade him to release a bottle of red wine for us to accompany the meal with.

“Though he pretended we would have to make do with the cold beer, he would always relent as we insisted that our digestive process would be greatly enhanced by a tasty dose of wine. He would then disappear (he did not trust anyone else to enter his cellar) and reappear with a nice bottle. With his infectious grin, he would raise his glass and we would end the meal with a pleasant tipple.”

Mrs Adenike Adeyanju-Osadolor, a publisher and Kofo’s long-time friend who worked with Femi for two years when she supported him administratively to run ICASA 2005 in Abuja also spoke endearingly about the man she described as her boss and “friend-in-law.” He was happy-go-lucky, humorous, a gentleman to the core and respectful to all.

“Even though he was much older than me, he never called me by my first name. I was always Mrs O to him as many in the office called me. He would use the respectful Yoruba ‘e’ rather than ‘o’ to address me and sometimes threw in ‘Yes ma.’ I always found it difficult to determine whether he was serious or was being his usual mischievous self. He was humility personified,” Adeyanju-Osadolor recalled.

Luis Armand Bodea, ICASA Director/SAA Coordinator, described Femi as a giant, a visionary leader, a true Pan-Africanist who valued African soil and its people. “He gave his all to humanity and built a legacy for generations to come. Prof. Femi, you gave me your all, you taught me how to fight with dignity and stand firm as a proud African. You were a great man with a brilliant brain and your impact and contribution towards Africa’s response to the HIV/AIDS pandemic is valued all over the world.”

Professor Omofolabo Ajayi-Soyinka, Femi’s younger sister, entitled her tribute, “My Brother: Some Vignettes of Memories.”  She began her speech with a rhetorical question, “How do I begin the story of a relationship that started more than 70 years ago, long before my consciousness formed from the memories in my mind? Had iphones or smartphones been in existence then, my dear brother, you would have no doubt captured every second of the forever-to-be-cherished mundane moments that you shared with me. Nonetheless, we had quite a bit after my consciousness formed.

“My brother, Femi, I would celebrate you eternally for the legacies you left behind, your love of family, your compassion for people, your love of simple, beautiful life. Above all, the unique and comfortable relationship you allowed me to have with you. I am grateful for these memories and anytime I feel low, I will roll out the memory camera of my mind and I will smile.”

Roll out the memory camera? Yes indeed, as speakers after speakers recounted in cinematic manner Femi’s sterling, endearing qualities, qualities that will forever be etched in their memories.

The brilliant closing remarks, which Femi’s son, Ayodele gave at the close of proceedings, told the knell of an unforgettable evening filled not just with vivid memories of a life well lived but also nostalgic feelings and laughter.