Escaped inmate butchers pregnant woman to death

Escaped inmate butchers pregnant woman to death in Imo state; deceased’s relatives in standoff with police as they ask to deal with suspect themselves (video)

Police and relatives of a murder victim are involved in a standoff over who gets to administer justice on the suspect.

The suspect was caught today, June 19, by locals after he allegedly killed a pregnant woman at No. 4  Nekede Old Road in Imo State.

Locals attempted to lynch him but police from Ihiagwa division intervened.

During questioning, the injured suspect blamed his actions on what he smoked.

He was later seen being led out to a police van.

However, relatives of the deceased from Ohaji Egbema refused to allow the police take the suspect. They insisted that the suspect be released to them so they can deal with him as they deem fit for killing their relative.

According to members of the community, the suspect is one of the convicts who escaped during the Imo prison break.


Escaped inmate butchers pregnant woman to death in Imo state; deceased


See videos below.